Purchase each days meals from this page. The meals will be delivered 2, 3 or 4 times a week. First meal delivered Early Monday morning. Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Average Calories for 28 days 1597 – broken down into 136g Fats, 19.6g Carbs, 8.4g Fiber, 11.2g Net Carbs, and 74.9g Protein **Some of you might need to add the extra protein option.
If you are Dairy Free please use the drop down to select dairy free
If you are Pescatarian please use the drop down to select Pescatarian
If you are Vegetarian please use the drop down to select Vegetarian
If you are finding you don't need as much food each day now that you have been in ketosis you can request Just Lunch & Dinner or just Dinner only. Please note if you are not in ketosis I don't recommend this option!
If you cheat and we all do! It's OK, Just fast for 24 hours and order my detox broth instead of a meal. Order one for each meal you want to replace. You can always freeze what you don't drink.